I'm Burned, Now What?

Burns occur when skin is exposed to extreme heat, flame, electricity, or radiation from a number of sources. Burns are a very common injury that, in many cases, can be avoided with preventative measures. Children are more vulnerable to being burned because they are more curious about the world around them. If they do get burned, they are more likely to get burned more severely because their skin is thinner. Burns are characterized by size and severity of the particular burn. First degree burns are more superficial. There is normally minor blisters, swelling, and redness. Second-degree appears to be very red, with large or broken blisters. Third-degree look dry, white, and burned in appearance

The first step should be to get the victim away from the source of heat. Remove hot or wet clothing, as long as it is not sticking to the skin. Cool the burn under cool running water (not ice) for about 25 minutes to remove the heat and relieve some of the pain. After the burn has been cooled, cover the wound with a sterile, non-adherent dressing or cling film, except for the face. Apply all dressings loosely. Seek medical advice and do your best to use preventative measures to avoid these type of injuries altogether.